Sunday, January 28, 2007

The Kingdom of Love - Sermon Follow up

It almost seems foolish, the way that Jesus set up his Kingdom and told us to live. Yet, the foolishness of God confounds the wisdom of men (I Corinthians 1:27) and shows us a better, more accurate way to live. We see the example of Jesus who performed the most awesome display of power when he chose to use his power to die on the cross for those who crucified him.
As we humble ourselves to this radical, distinct way of loving and allow God’s Spirit to work in us to purge us of all of the ways we are not like this (Ephesians 4:31; Romans 12:2), we begin to manifest the true love of the Kingdom of God to those around us. People are not ultimately won to Jesus by our crafty arguments, slick programs or scare tactics. People are won over when they experience the unique and beautiful Kingdom love; the love of Jesus made real in our lives. They experience Jesus by the way we serve, the way we give, the way we surrender and the way we love sacrificially.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Challenge to Pray

I am reading an awesome book on prayer right now "Prayer That Brings Revival" by David Yonggi Cho. It's really challenging me, my view of prayer and my priority to pray. I love to pray and have regulary, quality prayer time, but I am really being challenged to take prayer, my belief in God's power and my commitment to pray to the next level.

I honestly believe that the way to where God has called me and us in the future will be paved in prayer. Prayer will unlock the power of God, give us divine insight and crush the enemy. It will enable us to see all of the things that we have dreamed about. It will infuse the every day reality with the tangible power of God to transform people from the inside out.

I am calling all Kingdom People to prayer. Let us advance in the power of his Spirit on our knees to truly see his "kingdom come and will be done."

Monday, January 15, 2007

The Father's Love

Reading Luke 15:11-32 this morning, I was again struck with the amazing love of the Father for us. The son takes his inheritance, leaves his father's home, blows everything he has on indulging in the world and hits rock bottom. He returns home, hoping only to be received as a hired hand; to be forever forsaken as a son because of his actions. However, this is not the case and two things strike my heart:

First, we discover that the father sees his son while still a long way off. I can just see the father, day after day, walking to the end of his property as the sun begins to set, hoping for a glimpse of his son returning home. The father was desperately anticipating the son's return. How amazing especially in the light of the sons deliberate action to forsake the father.

Second, instead of just receiving him as a servant - as would be the 'just' thing to do - he calls his servants to bring some fine clothes, prepare a huge, gourmet meal, because they are going to celebrate. The father treats this son with such honor and lavishly pours out his expression of love for him. I imagine what the son must have felt. Or I think back to the way I felt and how the Father treated me when I returned home.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

The Crucified Life

It's amazing how self-centered I am. I mean really, when I step back and look at my thoughts and actions, how many times it comes back to me thinking about myself, doing what pleases me, what makes me happy. Jesus words in Luke 9:23 cut to the heart, "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me." DENY. That's tough.

My prayer for the past few weeks has been, "God, crucify more and more of me so you can impart your life to me and display your self-sacrificial love through me to others." Every morning I look at the previous day and realize all of the ways I failed to sacrifice for others; all of the ways I lived for me. And yet, in the most encouraging voice, the Holy Spirit reminds me of one or two places where I actually denied myself and really did live out the kind of love that Jesus displayed at the cross. It's all about the journey to the crucified life.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Enough Complaining Already

I was reading Relevant Magazine the other day. It's a decent publication, geared at younger, postmodern Christians and those on the fringes. The one beef I have with the mag that finally made me gag is the incessant complaining about the church. "The church did this to me" and "The church caused me to leave my faith." Enough wining already.

Its not that I don't agree with the proposition of what they are saying. I, myself have been a victim of the church's naivity, narrowness and lack of cultural relevance. I grew up in it too. But at what point do these people stop blaming other people for their current spiritual debacle and take personal responsibility. More than this, we need people who have the guts to become part of the solution. It's easy to whine, its another thing to roll up you sleeves and help make the church what it should be.

Incarnating Jesus

I've been reading The Myth of a Christian Nation by Greg Boyd and it definately ranks in my top three. One of the central themes is the idea of embodying cross-type love for every single person around us. It is something that I have valued and believed in for years, but the past few days I have been rocked with the reality of the potential power of this dynamic demonstration.

I mean really, what if I, and all followers of Jesus made this thier ONE sole goal, to experience the love of the cross for themselves and embody it to the world. We could put down our stones of judgment that have wounded people for thousands of years and maybe, just maybe, they would actually experience Jesus through us.

This cross style love is transformative. It's Jesus dying on the cross for those who crucified him. No judgment in his heart. No hidden motive or manipulation. Just pure love, poured out for all his children. This is the kind of love that we all need to experience, but especially those hit by one of our prideful stones. They need to experience raw Jesus, his love incarnated in our lives.

me & my love

me & my love

our wonderful family

our wonderful family





